
Common Questions & Answers

Q - How do I start?

A - Let's start with introductions.  Please go to our "Contact Us" page and send us your contact information.  A Gold Star Resources representative will contact you to discuss your need and how we may assist.

Q - What should I expect?

A - After initial introductions and high level overviews, we'll start by outlining your needs and our approach to your unique situation.

Q - Can Gold Star Resources address any situation?

A - No we can not.  We have our limits and we will tell you that up front, before any work is done or payments are made.  Currently, the majority of our expertise is in the new and used automotive logistics industries.  There are situations that are beyond our capabilities.  Hopefully, we will be able to suggest other solutions to you.

Q - How much will this cost?

A - Every project is unique.  After our initial assessment, Gold Star Resources provides clients with a Statement of Work that includes an estimate of cost based on anticipated time at a fixed hourly rate.  You will be updated on costs as the project progresses through stages.  You make the decisions on scope, involvement, investment and what success looks like.

Q - When do I pay Gold Star Resources?

A - The Statement of Work will include the payment schedule.  Usually it is one half the estimated total cost up front, then the remaining amount based on actual hours at the appropriate hourly rates.

Q - Will my information remain confidential?

A - Yes.  Information that you designate as confidential and proprietary will remain that way, according to the terms in our customer agreement.  

Q - Is there a formal business relationship??

A - Yes after the first Statement of Work is agreed upon, we mutually agree to the Gold Star Resources NDA and Customer Agreements.  These documents outline how the business relationship is structured.

Q- Why should I outsource this work instead of doing it ourselves?

A - Many companies do not have the expertise, time or additional resources to address every critical need.  You will have access to experienced professionals, focused on a defined project, working on a incremental basis.

Q - When does the work end?

A - Success is mutually defined at the beginning of the project.  Once those goals are achieved, the project ends.

Q - Can I do more than one project?

A - Certainly!  Our goal is to delight our clients with value added solutions.  Gold Star Resources can work on concurrent projects or start on another project when another one ends.  It's up to you.